The Thai king is not going to die after all! What a relief! I guess this proves old Bhumibol is "divine" after all. But wait! What's this? It's an article from the BBC relating to Thailand's immortal king. Let's read it and see what wonderful things the BBC has to say about "Lek".
"Revered by an adoring public..", blah, blah, "....benign father figure who remains above politics", blah, blah. That's original (yawn). "constitutional monarch with limited powers..." Zzzzzzz, "failed to prevent the lynching of left-wing students by paramilitary vigilantes in 1973..." PARDON!!!!
That's a misprint, surely. "....the king's personal friend, General Prem Tinsulanond..." PERSONAL FRIEND?! "...his willingness to approve the coup within the first 24 hours was probably essential to its success.." OMG! I need to sit down for a minute.
Let's read some more: "The current public reverence for King Bhumibol appears genuine, but it has also been carefully nurtured by a formidable palace public relations machine, and by harsh "lese-majeste" laws that punish any criticism of the monarchy with up to 15 years in prison".
Stop! Stop! This article is all so BIASED! The king is like my father! He has done so many GOOD THINGS for Thailand! How dare the BBC print such profanities! Even if it's true.
Accept it PAD people, the game is up. The whole world, even the spooky British media, now knows the truth about your "divine" king. I guess it wasn't such a good idea to humiliate farangs in front of the world's cameras, right?
Bhumibol is a fake, get over it! Oh! And if you want to read Bhumibol's "obituary" for yourself, look here.
Happy reading!
From Youtube channel palrakonline
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