But not any more! Here is the video we have all been waiting for. It turned up in Youtube srirasmiubitch, and reveals a small part of what Da Torpedo said about the king. There can be no doubt now, that the verdict of 18 years prison, is politically motivated.
But the video doesn't reveal everything Da Torpedo said about the king. She said more. Much more. Here's a summary of her speech:
Da Torpedo also said that Thailand would not have had an 8th Rama (Ananda Mahidol) without help from Pridi Banomyong (if you're not sure who this man is look here) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pridi_Banomyong The monarchy in Thailand had almost disappeared. But Pridi brought the name of Ananda Mahidol into voting in parliament, without this vote it is almost sure there wouldn't have been a Rama 8 (Ananda Mahidol) or Rama 9 (Bhumibol Adulyadej). It is because of Pridi, that the monarchy continues to exist in Thailand to this day.
In her speech, Da Torpedo claimed Prime minister Pridi was generous to the Monarchy. He helped the Chakri dynasty to be alive again, but Pridi himself was betrayed by "the One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej). The one who killed Rama 8.
At this point in her speech, there were cheers from the crowd as Da Torpedo claimed Pridi had been falsely accused of murdering Ananda Mahidol. It was "the One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej) who had set the whole thing up!
After being accused of the murder of Ananda Mahidol (Rama 8), Pridi's political reputation was in ruins, but the acusation labelled against him was completely false. Pridi was not involved in the murder of Rama 8. It now seemed the Monarchy Pridi had helped to bring back, had turned against him.
As a result of this event, Pridi now faced many political problems, until he was forced to leave Thailand. There were other reasons why Pridi had to abandon his homeland, not just the false acusations surrounding the death of Ananda Mahidol. Plaek Pibulsonggram, was now in charge of Thailand (look here for information) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phibun
Pridi was ousted in a military coup. Plaek Pibulsonggram then took control of Thailand, forcing Pridi to live in France for the rest of his life. Pridi never returned home to Thailand. When he died, his body was brought back to thailand. Bhumibol's mother went to Pridi's funeral, because according to Da Torpedo, she knew very well that her son (Bhumibol Adulyadej) was now king thanks to Pridi. Bhumibol's mother went to the funeral out of gratitude.
Da Torpedo then spoke about how Marshall Plaek and Bhumibol Adulyadej didn't get on. Marshall Plaek made an attempt to expose Bhumibol for the murder of his brother, but he did not succeed. Then Da Torpedo questioned Bhumibol's motives for not attending Pridi's funeral. This is considered an insult in Thailand. So why the king's absense?
"Da" then spoke at length about the murder of Ananda Mahidol. She claimed that all of evidence had been tampered or simply disposed of. This was the reason why "The One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej) had never been caught. The crowd found this part of the speech extremely entertaining, as Da Torpedo examined the evidence in an effort to find the truth.
The rally speech continues, until "Da" mentions Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Da Torpedo praised Thaksin, saying that he really cared for Thai people, just like Pridi had all those years earlier. The crowd listened attentively, as "Da" continued to talk favourably about both these men.
At this point of her speech, Da Torpedo declares to the crowd that: "If you don't know who the real enemy of democracy is, then you will have 100 battles, and lose 100 battles, for sure". This is the main point "Da" wanted to make. She wanted people to think about the real cause of Thailand's military coups. Who is signing the approval for these coups? It is "the one"! She declared, though without mentioning his name. Even so, those present at the rally, knew she was refering to Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Da Torpedo then changes to a different topic, and begins to talk about Apirak Kosayodhin (look here) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apirak_Kosayodhin She claimed Apirak had advanced so far in his career simply because he had sent his son to sleep with General Prem Tinsulanonda. General Prem, said "Da", is gay and he loves young boys.
The present conflict in Thailand then becomes the focus of her speech. According to "Da", the real conflict in Thailand is between the Monarchy and the new capitalist system under Thaksin. Da asked Thai people to "wake up" and to open their eyes and see the hidden agenda of those who want to destroy democracy. "Da" told the crowd to prepare to fight for their rights, like "western countries", which had already "knocked down" their monarchies. In this way, Da Torpedo concluded, democracy may finally recover.
"Da" then gives "The One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej) two choices: Either "The One" adapts and learns to rule like monarchs do in Japan and England, or "The One" will be punished, like the Monarchs of France and Nepal were. "The One" would have to choose very carefully. Da Torpedo never utters Bhumibol's name, but it is clear to everyone present at the rally, who she is referring to.
Da Torpedo's frustration during this part of the speech is evident to see for those at the rally. "Da" wants Thai people to "wake up" and to see the "real enemy", but she dare not speak his name. It is quite uncomfortable to listen to. "Da" uses some very rude language to refer to "The One" because it seems, she can't take it anymore.
"The One" says "Da" is now very old. He should be ashamed for what he has done to Thai people for such a long time. Da Torpedo then concludes her speech. She blesses the crowd, so that peace may return to their hearts.
On July 22nd, 2008, Da Torpedo was arrested and charged with Lese Majeste (insulting the monarch). She presented herself at Police Station so that Thai police would not have to arrest her at her house. "Da" has spent one year in prison, and now faces the posibility of spending a further 18 years behind bars.
Lese majeste law is an unjust law. And it seems "Da" may want to sacrifice herself in an effort to wake Thai people up. This she aims to achieve, by challenging "The One" with nothing but the spoken word and by being sent to prison. If, as supporters of the Thai king claim, "The One" really has any compassion he should not remain silent.
Lese Majeste law is an insanity. It has turned Thai people into mere slaves. Slaves who cannot critisise their master. That's what "The One" wanted all along.
As a result of this event, Pridi now faced many political problems, until he was forced to leave Thailand. There were other reasons why Pridi had to abandon his homeland, not just the false acusations surrounding the death of Ananda Mahidol. Plaek Pibulsonggram, was now in charge of Thailand (look here for information) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phibun
Pridi was ousted in a military coup. Plaek Pibulsonggram then took control of Thailand, forcing Pridi to live in France for the rest of his life. Pridi never returned home to Thailand. When he died, his body was brought back to thailand. Bhumibol's mother went to Pridi's funeral, because according to Da Torpedo, she knew very well that her son (Bhumibol Adulyadej) was now king thanks to Pridi. Bhumibol's mother went to the funeral out of gratitude.
Da Torpedo then spoke about how Marshall Plaek and Bhumibol Adulyadej didn't get on. Marshall Plaek made an attempt to expose Bhumibol for the murder of his brother, but he did not succeed. Then Da Torpedo questioned Bhumibol's motives for not attending Pridi's funeral. This is considered an insult in Thailand. So why the king's absense?
"Da" then spoke at length about the murder of Ananda Mahidol. She claimed that all of evidence had been tampered or simply disposed of. This was the reason why "The One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej) had never been caught. The crowd found this part of the speech extremely entertaining, as Da Torpedo examined the evidence in an effort to find the truth.
The rally speech continues, until "Da" mentions Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Da Torpedo praised Thaksin, saying that he really cared for Thai people, just like Pridi had all those years earlier. The crowd listened attentively, as "Da" continued to talk favourably about both these men.
At this point of her speech, Da Torpedo declares to the crowd that: "If you don't know who the real enemy of democracy is, then you will have 100 battles, and lose 100 battles, for sure". This is the main point "Da" wanted to make. She wanted people to think about the real cause of Thailand's military coups. Who is signing the approval for these coups? It is "the one"! She declared, though without mentioning his name. Even so, those present at the rally, knew she was refering to Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Da Torpedo then changes to a different topic, and begins to talk about Apirak Kosayodhin (look here) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apirak_Kosayodhin She claimed Apirak had advanced so far in his career simply because he had sent his son to sleep with General Prem Tinsulanonda. General Prem, said "Da", is gay and he loves young boys.
The present conflict in Thailand then becomes the focus of her speech. According to "Da", the real conflict in Thailand is between the Monarchy and the new capitalist system under Thaksin. Da asked Thai people to "wake up" and to open their eyes and see the hidden agenda of those who want to destroy democracy. "Da" told the crowd to prepare to fight for their rights, like "western countries", which had already "knocked down" their monarchies. In this way, Da Torpedo concluded, democracy may finally recover.
"Da" then gives "The One" (Bhumibol Adulyadej) two choices: Either "The One" adapts and learns to rule like monarchs do in Japan and England, or "The One" will be punished, like the Monarchs of France and Nepal were. "The One" would have to choose very carefully. Da Torpedo never utters Bhumibol's name, but it is clear to everyone present at the rally, who she is referring to.
Da Torpedo's frustration during this part of the speech is evident to see for those at the rally. "Da" wants Thai people to "wake up" and to see the "real enemy", but she dare not speak his name. It is quite uncomfortable to listen to. "Da" uses some very rude language to refer to "The One" because it seems, she can't take it anymore.
"The One" says "Da" is now very old. He should be ashamed for what he has done to Thai people for such a long time. Da Torpedo then concludes her speech. She blesses the crowd, so that peace may return to their hearts.
On July 22nd, 2008, Da Torpedo was arrested and charged with Lese Majeste (insulting the monarch). She presented herself at Police Station so that Thai police would not have to arrest her at her house. "Da" has spent one year in prison, and now faces the posibility of spending a further 18 years behind bars.
Lese majeste law is an unjust law. And it seems "Da" may want to sacrifice herself in an effort to wake Thai people up. This she aims to achieve, by challenging "The One" with nothing but the spoken word and by being sent to prison. If, as supporters of the Thai king claim, "The One" really has any compassion he should not remain silent.
Lese Majeste law is an insanity. It has turned Thai people into mere slaves. Slaves who cannot critisise their master. That's what "The One" wanted all along.
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