sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009

Sia 0 - the prince of smut!

All hail the prince of porn! Yes, it's the Chakri Crown Prince, again. The great Maha Vajiralongkorn, Bhumibol's son, or not, if the rumours that he is the son of Sirikit's first lover are true. Behold! Sia 0 is back.

This Thai "gentleman", who recently appeared in a lurid soft porn video with his topless wife Srirasmi, both eating with their mouths open, is the reason why an Australian man, Harry Nicolaides, is currently in prison for lese majeste.

One only has to look at Sia 0's physical aspect to know that the rumours about his health are true. All those "minor" and "mayor" wives have finally taken their toll, eh Sia? Good video from stoplesemajeste

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