His name was Colonel Narongdej Nandha-phothidej. Nice name. Queen Sirikit thought so too. Perhaps that's why people say the Coronel and Queen Sirikit were lovers. In fact, Queen Sirikit thought everything about her Coronel was "nice".
Officially, however, the Coronel was only her "body guard", which is why the two of them went everywhere together. Nice. Then tongues began wagging, and Queen Sirikit's soldier boy was sent far away, to the USA. The rumour was that Bhumibol was jealous.
Soon, a stiff appeared in Central Park. Tut! Typical! But this was no ordinary stiff, it was Sirikit's soldier boy, battered black and blue around the face. Oh dear. The "official" investigation carried out by Thai police concluded that Coronel Narongdej had died from a "heart attact". The old boy was quickly disposed of, and that was the end of that.
But was it the end? Why does this issue refuse to go away? What really happened that day in Central park while Coronel Narongdej was out jogging? Did he really have a heart attack? Thai people don't think so. Not for one moment.
So what do Thai people say really happened? Thais mistrust the conclusions of the "official" investigation. A heart attack seems unlikely for two reasons: first, the Coronel was young and fit (only 38), he had even won many competitions. Medals too. Hardly the profile of a heart attack victim.
Secondly, the bruises. Right across his left cheek, in fact. The Coronel was even found to have a fractured rib. Are these the symptoms associated with a heart attack? Isn't it more likely that he was violently attacked and killed?
But most worrying of all, according to some Thais, no autopsy was carried out on the body. Some even claim the body was "still warm" after being brought back to Bangkok. Something doesn't add up in all this. Thai police, however, thought little of these unusual clues and closed the case. Orders from "above", perhaps.

The conclusion from Thai people? Coronel Narongdej was killed by Queen Sirikit's husband, King Bhumibol, because he did not trust Sirikit and her "special relationship" with the Coronel. Strong stuff, don't you think? if only they could say so openly, alas, lese majeste law.
Will the full truth ever be known?
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