At first hand, it seems odd to outsiders that this issue should be quite so "sensitive". Isn't it obvious that the next king should be the Thai Crown Prince? That is after all, what Queen Sirikit wants, and right now she is the one holding the reigns of power in Thailand.
But it's not that simple, right? That's because Thai people hate Sia O, almost as much as porn Princess Srirasmi. The reasons why Thais dislike their Prince are obvious. But the Prince's evil deeds may only be confirmed as true, and not just mere "speculation", if he does not become king. Good reason, therefore, not to choose him.
However, the video of the half dressed couple celebrating their dog's birthday cannot be denied. It's proof that Sia O is unfit to be king, and would turn many Thais against the Thai royal family, perhaps even lead to civil war in Thailand. But, is there an alternative to a randy Sia O?
To consider this issue, one has to first look at the royal succession list. Exactly who are the candidates to the Chakri throne? At number one, of course is king Bhumibol's first son: Maha Vajiralongkorn (Sia O). But although he has the automatic right to legally be the next king, at present he is only the "heir apparent". His father doesn't trust him to be king, perhaps.
Second in line to the throne is Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti born in 2005, and an unlikely candidate, when you consider all the political problems facing the future Thai king. Hardly the job of a five year old child. There are rumours that Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, king Bhumibol's eldest daughter could be Thailand's first Queen. But that's unlikely now that there is a male heir to the throne.
So who's left? Several options, in fact. Sia O has been married three times. Perhaps one of his sons could succeed the Thai king. His first marriage produced only one child (a girl) but his second marriage to Yuvadhida Polpraserth, resulted in five more children being born. Four boys and one girl.
All four boys are in line to the Chakri throne, from 3rd to sixth in line: in 3rd place is Prince Juthawachara, 4th Prince Vacharaeson, 5th Prince Chakriwat and finally 6th Prince Vacharawee. Of all the male candidates, it is His Special Highnesses Prince (HSH) Juthawachara, who is most likely to be the next king, if the Thai Crown Prince is eventually considered "unsuitable" for the post.
Certainly, Juthawachara as a first choice would be far more popular than the current Crown Prince, and would probably be far more acceptable to Thai people. Thus, avoiding many of the political problems that could occur in Thailand, should Sia O become Rama X.
Views, corrections, criticism, and insults are welcome from Thais and farangs alike. It is YOUR future, and therefore you have a right to express your opinion.
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