When Anek made his comments about the Thai king, he wasn't living in Thailand. He was living in the USA. Even so, Thai police charged him with lese majeste. But Thailand's Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, said that Thai law should be respected by all those who "visit" Thailand. Now it seems, this law must be respected in ALL countries.
So if you thought that you were safe from arrest just because you don't live in Thailand, and you have no plans to go there, think again! Lese majeste law applies to EVERYONE (Thais and foreigners) wherever they live. Anak Sanfran is living proof of that.
Make no mistake about it. If you criticise the Thai royal family and then decide to visit Thailand. When you arrive you will be arrested for lese majeste and thrown into prison. That's what happened to Harry Nicolaides. Remember? He wrote his book in Australia not Thailand. Tell me, now that you know that lese majeste law applies to YOU in YOUR country, what are you going to do about it? Kiss the greedy Thai king's ass, maybe?
Good video from: y34r
Want more proof that Thailand's Prime Minister was lying when he said that lese majeste law only applies in thailand? The year is 1995. French businessman Lech Tomasz Kisielewicz, is on a flight to Bangkok. He is half-way through his flight and decides to review his notes before arriving at the airport. Suddenly, an angry woman appeares and stands over him.
The problem? Lech had ealier switched on his overhead light, so that he could read his notes better, but the female passenger objected to this and demanded that Lech switch it off. Lech did what any proud Frenchman would have done in these circumstance. He firmly refused. The woman became hysterical and began to insult him. Lech insulted her back. The woman scowled at Lech and returned to her seat.
A few hours after this trivial on-board incident, the plane lands in Bangkok. At the airport, Lech is brusquely pulled aside by Thai police. The other passengers look on, shocked. Shaken and confused, Lech is taken to an interrogation room. He is informed that he has committed a very serious crime: He has "insulted" Thailand's royal family.
Unbeknown to Lech, the woman on the plane was a Thai Princess. Though she had not identified herself us such, Lech is accused of deliberately committing lese majeste. French authorities become involved. They quite rightly argue that the plane was in international airspace when the incident happened (Thai law only applies in Thailand, right Mr Abhisit?).
Thai police refuse to listen to French authorities. They illegally detain Lech for a whole fortnight at the airport, in barbaric conditions, though without formally charging him. Kidnapped, humiliated, hungry and dirty. Lech "confesses" his guilt and is persuaded to write a letter of apology to the king of Thailand. Lech is finally released and returns to France a broken man.
So I ask you, is this what Thailand's Prime Minister meant by "respect" for Thai law? Read the title again. It seems very reasonable, doesn't it? When in Rome.... But neither Anek, nor Harry, nor Lech, were on Thai territory when they supposedly "broke" thailand's lese majeste law. They were either on foreign territory or international airspace, where individual nations' laws do not apply.
Read the title one final time. Now do you understand? These incidents reveal the level of cynicism of Thailand's Prime Minister, as he tries to manipulate people's feelings to justify this cruel law. What Abhisit meant to say was: "If you're ever thinking of coming to Thailand, you must respect lese majeste law". No other nation has a law that works in this way.
What does all this prove? It proves that even though we are not Thai, the international nature of Thailand's lese majeste law, gives foreigners the moral right to challenge this law. It also justifies our decision to criticise and expose Thailand's king Bhumibol Adulyadej, who automatically remains silent when foreigners and Thai nationals are arrested or illegally detained for supposedly "insulting" him or his family.
Believe me when I say, Mr Abhisit, you may be the Prime Minister of Thailand, but we will continue to challenge you and your wicked law with every ounce of energy in our bodies, until it is abolished. Thailand's military government has no right to bully the international community in this way. You can't force us to "love" your vain king by imposing lese majeste law on us. Accept it. You are going to lose.
Videos 2 and 3
Videos 4 and 5
Videos 6 and 7
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ลดน้ำหนัก-เพิ่มน้ำหนักมาแล้ว 108 วิธี
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เพิ่มน้ำหนัก...กินเก่งมากๆ อาหารเสริมก็แล้ว

เปลี่ยนวิธีคิดของคุณใหม่ ใส่ใจกับสุขภาพด้วยวิธีฉลาดๆ
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ลดน้ำหนัก-เพิ่มน้ำหนักมาแล้ว 108 วิธี
ลดน้ำหนัก...อดดอาหารก็แล้ว ล้วงคอ เข้าฟิตเนส
เพิ่มน้ำหนัก...กินเก่งมากๆ อาหารเสริมก็แล้ว
เปลี่ยนวิธีคิดของคุณใหม่ ใส่ใจกับสุขภาพด้วยวิธีฉลาดๆ
ภายใต้การดูแล ติดตามผลอย่างถูกต้อง จากผู้เชี่ยวชาญ
รับประกัน 30 วัน ด้วยการคืนเงินเมื่อไม่ได้ผลลัพธ์
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