jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Akbar Khan: King of Lese Majeste

Meet Akbar Khan, the DSI's useful idiot who is fast becoming the biggest joke in Thailand. Not content with bringing lese majeste charges against the entire board of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT), Akbar now wants to bring charges against Frank Anderson, editor of the Korat Post.

So what is it with this chi chi snitch? Well, it seems that Akbar has an identity crisis brought on by his "love" of Thailand's ape king: Bhumibol Adulyadej. To the point where this wannabe Thai forgets that he is in fact, of Pakistani origin.

And just to prove that he loves old whiskey breath more than any "other" Thai, Akbar spends his sad little life on Youtube, posting rude messages in defence of the Thai king. Such is his obssession with defending Lek, that he was even sacked from his job at the Phuket Gazette for his lack of productivity.

Ever since then, Akbar has been a man on a mission. His obssession with being rejected by fellow journalists has developed into a huge personal grudge against foreign journalists living in Thailand, whom Akbar believes are all republicans riddled with unpure lese majeste thoughts.

We sincerely hope Akbar gets over his present emotional difficulties. Meanwhile, if you would like to find out more about this effeminate sounding loser, check out this website: http://www.whoisakbarkhaninbangkok.blogspot.com/

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