jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

"Daddy" Sia O

Thai royalists on Youtube end all their messages with a hearty "Long Live the King!" But have you noticed how these same royalist never write "Long Live the Crown Prince"? Curious that, don't you think? What's the reason for this?

DiedieChakri knows the answer, and if you watch his video, you'll know too. You see, Thai royalists go on and on about how the Thai royal family are "honorary" members of their own family, yet they can't bring themselves to admit that they don't want Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn as their next king.

Are they ashamed of their Crown prince? And what's all this about "Sia O" having a disease that "can't be cured"? If all this smacks of hypocrisy, it's because it is. Thank goodness for lese majeste law, right? Nobody can discuss this issue in Thailand. Phew!

It's clear. When Thai royalist grunt "Long Live the King!" They really mean it. Know what I mean? Thank you diedie, now we understand perfectly.

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