Thailand's Royal Household Bureau has been more than economical with the truth regarding king Bhumibol's illness over the last two weeks, limiting itself to describing the "symptoms" of the Thai king's illness rather than talking about the illness itself.
So what exactly is "wrong" with the Thai king? The real diagnosis is that King Bhumipol has a "Lacunar infarct" which is a small aterial occlusion in the brain. The Royal Palace has tried to mislead Thai people by giving scant details about king Bhumibol's brain condition.
King Bhumibol's illness makes it difficult for him to swallow well because the muscles used for swallowing are weaknened leading asprirate pneumonia. Bhumipol has a fever because the food he ingests is breathed into his lungs.
The Thai king also suffers from a decrease in motor power in his leg and arm. Doctors must now do rehab to increase the king's motor function in these areas. The royal Household Bureau meanwhile, limits itself to describing the improvement in the "routine symptoms" of the king's illness, such as an improvement in his sleep or the reduction of his fever as his lung symptoms improve.
So why the lack of information on the part of the royal palace about king Bhumibol's medical condition? Why does the Royal Household bureau only talk about the improvement in the Thai king's symptoms without mentioning the king's illness?
One of the most serious symptoms of a lacunar infarct is that the patient experiences a change in behaviour, a mental dysfunction, leading to disorieatation and confusion. This metal dysfunction gradually becomes worse with each day that passes.
Another consequence of this illness, is that King Bhumibol is in danger of having a repeat stroke. His first stroke occured in Oct 2007 and the damage is now irreversible. King Bhumibol's condition is both painful and long, which is why the Royal Palace has censored news items relating to the Thai king's illness.
Another worrying aspect of King Bhumibol's illness, is the rumour of the discovery of traces of Chronic poison in the Thai king's blood. This is a "trigger factor" which leads to repeat stroke. If the information is true, it raises the question: who poisoned the thai king? Wild rumours abound that those responsible for administering the poison, are trying to become "regent" because they do not trust the Thai Crown Prince.
Survey Results -
The above poll is not meant to be taken seriously. There is absolutely no proof that the thai king was poisoned by any of the above mentioned individuals. The "rumours" that King Bhumibol was poisoned are just that, rumours.
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