The bitch mother that is lese majeste law, has just given birth to yet more rebellious spawn on Youtube. His username is DieDieChakri and he's got plenty of lip. He's not the first to mock king Bhumibol, and he certainly won't be the last, not for as long as lese majeste law and the more recent Computer Crimes Act, remain on the statute books of an increasingly paranoid Thai state.
Diedie is most probably Thai, like Suwicha Thakhor and Nat Sattayapornpisu before him, so we can cut the crap about "cultural" differences, because it's not about that. Thailand is not a human rights free zone. It never was. Thai people themselves are mocking the Thai king, even if it means going to prison.
Why do they do it? Why do Thai people risk going to prison when there's so much at stake? Because nanny doesn't always know best. Thai people want the same basic human rights as the rest of us, including the right to criticise their monarch within acceptable limits.
When will the powers that be in Bangkok undertand that? When will these dickheads understand that outlawing individual thought only encourages the king's oppressed subjects to rebel even when they are frightened to do so?
Go for it "Diedie"! Mock the ape king for not giving a shit about his people.

Pearl of Wisdom from The Huffington Post
Survey Results - GlowDay.com
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