I can't hold back the tears.

Yes, the photograph you can see above is that of Nat Sattayapornpisut, only that's not how you spell his name. The DSI deliberately mispelt his name in the press release, so that no-one would find Nat's Facebook, Myspace or Youtube channel which has been "suspended".
But after 3 weeks of searching, I have finally found the information. Nat's surname is spelt "Nattayapornphisut", and yes, behind that name there's a human being whose interests include "meditating" and listening to Michael Jackson records.
I want to tell the world that Nat has been held in custody by the DSI, for much longer than the 12 days granted by the courts, and as yet, nothing has been reported in the Thai media. He has been subjected to lie detector tests, in an effort to make him confess his "crime".
But everything that has been reported in the media about Nat's case is false. Nat did not send me those videos, He wrote and told me about the links which had appeared in Samesky webboard. I myself downloaded the videos from Spain. The messages Nat sent me, can be seen elsewhere in this blog.
Please Help Nat prove his innocence.
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