domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Long Live Bhumibol inc

Thailand's royal family costs Thai people an absolute fortune. It seems the Chakris can't do without their personal helicopters, luxury royal digs, huge banquets (Sirikit has a healthy appetite you know) and yachts. Yep! These parasites are living it up at the expense of Thai people, while Thailand's "royals" don't even pay income tax!

So just how much do these hangers on cost? Well, check out this video by ThaiPresident, because according to his figures, Thailands royal family costs as much or MORE than the British royal family. So what? might say, but hang on, Thailand is not half as rich as the UK - Thai people can't afford this extravagance!

Supporters of the Thai king: the urban elite, Thai army ladyboys, PAD people, big business, the middle class, etc, argue that the king "has done many good things for Thailand". Yet Thailand's poor remain just as poor as they were when "Lek" ascended to the throne 60 years ago. Meanwhile, the king owns 3,493 acres of prime real estate in Bangkok (Forbes magazine, 2008).

Bhumibol Adulyadej was recently described as "the God bolt", that's the bolt that holds the main propeller on a helicopter in place. The helicopter being the Thai economy. Well that's fine. King Bhumibol may have done many good things for big business and the Thai stock market, but he certainly hasn't done anything significant for poor Thai people. They are still dirt poor.

So perhaps this is a good moment to remind everyone that Bhumibol Adulyadej owns the largest faceted diamond in the world. It's called the "Jubilee diamond" and it's worth an estimated 12 million US dollars. Not bad, for a man who has "worked all his live for nothing". Check it out. It's simply gorgeous....

More champers anyone?

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