martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Bhumibol Adulyadej owns Thailand

Throughout king Bhumibol's 60 year reign, poor Thai people had it drummed into them by their foreign educated, middle class PAD masters, that king Bhumibol was a humble man who squeezed the last drop of toothpaste out of the Colgate tube.

Then, Forbes Magazine showed up with a solar powered calculator, and all hell broke loose. You see, it turns out that Bhumibol Adulyadej is not only rich, he is extremely rich! Forbes recently named him "The richest monarch in the world".

So how much dosh does the king of Thailand really have? 35 Billion dollars!! Not bad for 60 years of brainwashing, right? Yep! King Bhumibol is the owner of Thailand in every sense. Thank you Forbes and thank you stoplesemajeste for this video.

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