jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Kill Thaksin - "SiameseSexy" strikes again!

Oh man! This is getting ridiculous! Not only does "SiameseSexy" want to kill poor Thaksin, now she wants to promote Thailand's sex industry. She's gone too far! This has to stop, call Abhisit someone - quick!

There's an XXX channel on Youtube called FuckBhumpiballs with lots of high quality disgusting videos of Thai sluts groaning and moaning in broken English for the benefit of the camera. Obviously more of those "SiameseSexy" video productions. At this rate she's going to make us all wish someone would kill her!

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Please Kill Thanksin - Yawn!

Right! Who did it? Who made this video? Man, this girl just won't stop making these stupid videos! I think she wants Thaksin dead. This video appeared here BluePigSirikit. But have you noticed how she is slowly becoming more polite? First it was "Hey! Asshole Thaksin", now it's "Mr Thaksin".

She's made three of these pointless "Kill Thaksin" videos, each one more boring than the last! She doesn't even appear in her most recent video (not that I'm complaining, pug nosed buffalo). All you see is a childish handwritten sign with the word "poisoning" and then you hear her irritating screeching voice repeating herself again.

I think the People's Alliance for Democracy are paying her! PAD hang all her sad videos on their web site, however boring they are. This "Kill Thaksin" business is beginning to wear a bit thin. Please make another video SiameseSexy. Yaaaaaaawn!

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

His Majesty's Toothpaste

The great king of Thailand has dedicated 60 years of his life to help poor Thai people and has asked for nothing in return. And if you believe that bullshit, you'll believe anything! Bhumibol Adulyadej is incredibly rich! Forbes magazine recently named him "The Richest Monarch in the World".

But how rich is rich? According to Forbes, Bhumibol is worth 35 billion dollars! Now that's rich. While many Thai people have to sell their bodies because they don't have enough money to buy food, Bhumibol lives in a luxurious palace and rides around in a Roller.

I think Bhumibol calls it the "sufficiency economy". If you're rich spend as much as you like, and if you're poor, please go starve somewhere quietly. Good video from StopLeseMajeste.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Bhumibol's Monkey Magic

Originally found in Youtube channel ThaiFeetKing, this funny video is a protest against the ten year prison sentence imposed on Suwicha Thakhor for "insulting" the king of Thailand in his blog. Ten years for photoshopping images of Bhumibol Adulyadej and his family. This could only happen in Thailand folks!

Meanwhile, the "compassionate" king is keeping mum. Not a word. Suwicha's wife and his three young children will just have to fend for themselves. They could always do what many poor Thais are forced to do in Bhumibol's Thailand, sell their bodies for a few extra Baht! They call it the "sufficiency economy" I think.

Yep! With each case of lese majeste that hits the news, king Bhumibol Adulyadej demonstrates to the world what a heartless, cruel individual he is. Tyrants like Bhumibol deserve to be mocked. How could the king of Thailand allow a father of three to be locked up for ten years? Stupid ape!

Kill Thaksin!

This video from frankganderson was uploaded to Youtube in reponse to the video from a certain Thai "lady", who threatened to gather a mob of royalist supporters to "kill" Thaksin and all his family. And yes, to date the video can still be seen on Youtube.

The message of Frank's video is that making death threats on the internet is wrong, because it incites others to violence. Thank you Frank for trying to educate PAD people who seem to think that making death threats on Youtube in the name of Bhumibol Adulyadej is a perfectly normal thing to do.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

The Sirikitch Show: "Kill Thaksin!"

Thailand's establishment are desperate to see former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra behind bars! They know that it's either Thaksin, or them! Never before has a Thai Prime Minister been so popular among poor Thais and Thailand's elite know that if Thaksin ever returns to Thailand, their old privileges will disappear.

Bangkok's urban elite will do anything discredit Thaksin and his family, with false accusations of corruption and personal insults, but poor Thai people know that the real fraudsters are the Thai army and those rich Chakri inbreds who have mounted 18 military coups in an effort hold on to power.

Good video from SrirasmiUbitch.

Who's the real father?

There's an interesting channel on Youtube called ThaiPresident containing lots of videos relating to lese majeste law and the Thai royal family. This is one example of the type of videos you can watch on this channel, unless of course you live in "democratic" Thailand, where all these videos are blocked.

The rich little boy in the video is none other than King Bhumibol's grandson, Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, son of AIDS boy Sia 0 and slut Srirasmi. Isn't he cute? There's one thing the video doesn't mention though, something which every Thai knows, which is that this bouncing baby boy is not the son of Sia 0!

It's quite true. Sia 0 has AIDS, but his son is HIV negative, explain that if you will. The real father as everyone in Thailand knows is king Bhumibol himself. Don't be so shocked, that's normal for the Chakris. Bhumibol and his wife Sirikit are cousins so their marriage is incestuous and Sia 0 is fruit of Sirikit's first love affair.

That's why lese majeste law exists. To punish people by sending them to prison for 15 years for daring to criticise Thailand's semi-divine royal family.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Is King Bhumibol Adulyadej a serial killer?

Watch this video from StopLeseMajeste. You will see some of the people the present king of Thailand is said to have killed. In the video, you will see two of Bhumibol's victims, but in reality there should be three, the other being Colonel Narongdet Nathapotide (Queen Sirikit's lover) who many believe was killed by Bhumibol in 1982.

One of the ghosts on the video is King Anada Mahidol, Bhumibol's Brother, shot dead in his bed by Bhumibol Adulyadej in order to become king. The question is... who is the other ghost? After a lot of research, I have finally come up with the answer!

The other ghost is Sirikit's father, Nakkhratra Mangkala Kitiyakara, who many say was also killed by Bhumibol Adulyadej. No Thai would dare say this in public for fear of lese majeste, but the story goes that Bhumibol was tricked into marrying Sirikit, and so the Thai king took his revenge on Sirikit's father with a poisoned drink while strolling through the garden.

So where's the proof? Sirikit's mother is the proof! Mom Luang Bua Sanidvongse and Bhumibol Adulyadej hated each other to death. Sirikit's mother always blamed Bhumibol for her husband's death, and when she died in 1999, Bhumibol was absent from her funeral. In Thailand, not going to someone's funeral is the greatest insult possible.

Now you know why lese majeste law exists. Far from being "a man of compassion", Bhumibol Adulaydej may just be the world's only serial killer king! You heard it here first folks!

Dirty Chakri Dynasty

This video is now back on Youtube, as it has recently been uploaded again after being deleted from StopLeseMajeste channel. "Dirty Chakri Dynasty" is nothing special but the document which the video mentions most certainly is.

As the video states, the underground document in question was written in 1982, and contains all the dirty secrets the Thai royal family would rather you didn't know. You can download this document here: http://es.geocities.com/freethailand/chakri unfortunately, it's written in Thai only!

We need Thai volunteers to help translate it into English, so that the whole world will know exactly why lese majeste exists, and why the Thai army fanatically protect Bhumibol Adulyadej from criticism.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

The Chakri prediction

The first Chakri king, Phraphutthayotfa Chulalok, made a prediction. He said that the Chakri dynasty would only last 9 generations. Interesting statement, don't you think? Especially when you consider that Bhumibol Adulyadej is the 9th Rama of the Chakri dynasty.

The Chakri prediction cannot even be mentioned in Thailand. Anyone who dares talk about this, is in danger of being charged with lese majeste (insulting the monarch). But as Bhumibol becomes increasingly old, the issue of who will be Thailand's next king should be discussed openly.

Will the deeply unpopular Crown Prince Sia 0 become king, and thus bring about the end of the Chakri dynasty as foretold in the prediction? Interesting video from StopLeseMajeste.

Bhumibol Adulyadej: King of PAD

When PAD closed down Bangkok's airports, expoded grenades, fired shots in the street, raided government house, etc. The corrupt Thai army stood passively by, while PAD thugs brought down yet another democratically elected government in Thailand. Only to be replaced by Abhisit's cockroach junta. The royal palace, meanwhile, was funding PAD in secret.

Contrast that with the protests organised by Thai red shirts against an unelected government. No generous secret funding from the Chakri king this time, no funerals attended by the blue pig, and a Thai army eager to use violence against unarmed civilians. In Thailand, the same parasites are always in control: the Thai army, the ape king, the urban elite, big business and royalists.

One day these hangers-on will be kicked out of power by ordinary Thai people. It's only a question of time. Good video from StopLeseMajeste.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009


Does the title of this video shock you? Of course it does. It's shocking and deeply offensive. So imagine a video appears on Youtube entitled "Kill Thaksin!", a man who is loved and respected by MORE Thais than King Bhumibol.

Well, here is that video! It's from a crazy royalist yellow shirt supporter of King Bhumibol, threatening to "kill" Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. You'll find it here siameseSexy, and it's still there five days after it first appeared!

Now, you may "revere" the Thai king so you are entitled to criticise Thaksin, just as others are entitled to criticise and mock Bhumibol Adulyadej, even if lese majeste law makes it a criminal offence. But this ignorant buffalo is out of order making death threats. Let's hope all her neighbours agree with her...

Supporters of King Bhumibol have the same rights to free speech as everyone else, but making death threats on Youtube is not free speech. Curious isn't it? Thai royalists go "ape" if you criticise Bhumibol, but then they threaten to kill people and there's no problem.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Play "Defecate on Bhumibol Adulyadej"

This video turned up on Youtube a few days ago then promptly vanished! Or so I thought! But it's still here: americatvgeek it wasn't deleted by Youtube after all. This magnificent video game is a protest against the jailing of Harry Nicolaides for lese majeste.

If you are sick of hearing about innocent people being sent to prison for "insulting" the king of Thailand, then play "Defecate on Bhumibol", by clicking on the URL below. It's great fun! Give up Bhumibol, we've got you surrounded and covered in poop! lol


General Prem Tinsulanonda: The Coup Katoey

So, now we know! The person behind the 2006 military coup against Thailand's democratic government, was General Prem Tinsulanonda, the man Da Torpedo described as an old "katoey", meaning ladyboy. So that means the Thai king is innocent, right? Wrong!

General Prem is king Bhumibol's Privi council, and his closest royal advisor, so if anything this proves that Bhumibol Adulyadej knew about the coup to remove Thaksin from power, before the tanks rolled out onto the streets of Bangkok. What a surprise! Video source "unknown".

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Sondhi Limthongkul: Violence begets violence

The attempt on Sondhi Limthongkul's life demonstrates clearly what can happen in a country where an elite minority deny the vast majority of people their democratic rights. Poor Thai people are angry because they have no voice.

There is a lesson here for those within the anti democratic PAD movement, as well as the corrupt Thai army: Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Let's hope royalist and the Thai urban elite understand that violence begets violence, and that the only way to resolve this crisis is by granting poor Thai people their basic human rights.

Give up Bhumibol. We've got you surrounded. From StopLeseMajeste.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

The worm that turned

Oh dear! Poor Thai people don't want to be serfs in their own country any more. They want democracy. They want the right to choose their own government and their own Prime Minister. This could be messy.

So what is the response from Thailand's king as Thai troops kill Thai people? Silence, as usual. The ape king is "above politics", remember? But while Thailand's red shirts take to the streets and demand change, king Bhumibol is busy organising Thailand's 19th brutal military coup, from his comfortable palace.

Bhumibol's children are misbehaving, and they must be taught a lesson by their masters, the Thai army. The "father of the nation" strikes again! Good video from StopLeseMajeste.

Abhisit Vejjajiva humiliated by Red shirts

How the mighty have fallen! For Thailand's illegitimate Prime Minister, Abhisit "cockroach" Vejjajiva, the humiliation is complete. His luxurious car was surrounded by angry red shirts who pelted his car with stones.

Why? Because Thai people want Abhisit to fuck off back to Newcastle, so that they can have democracy again. Nobody elected Abhisit, he was chosen by the Thai military and Thailand's ape king, so it's natural that Thai people should act this way.

The powers that be in Thailand, then do what they have always done during king Bhumibol's 60 year reign. They called out the corrupt Thai army to kill Thai people, crushing their hopes for a democratic future. All together now: "Long Live the King!" Stoplesemajeste.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Free Suwicha Thakhor!

This video in support of Suwicha Thakhor can still be seen in Youtube channel FuketTheRama though it may be taken down soon. Suwicha is the Thai blogger who was sentenced to TEN years prison for uploading photoshoped images of the Thai king and his family.

This could happen to anyone folks! Thailand's Computer Crimes Law and the equally strict Lese Majeste law, make it a severe crime punishable by up to 15 years prison, for anyone who dares to criticise Thailand's semi-divine ape king.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Bhumibol Adulyadej: The Regal Homo - Free Suwicha Thakhor!

Earlier this month Suwicha Thakhor was sentenced to TEN years prison for photoshoping images of the Thai king and uploading them onto the internet. The response from youtubers was immediate. This video called "The Regal Homo" appeared in atheistbork and was quickly taken down by youtube.

Never mind, here it is again. Lost of interesting images of Bhumibol Adulyadej with some of his gay buddies. It's so funny. My favourite photograph is the one with the ceremonial hat. Isn't photoshop great?

Is the Thai king a "baby raper"?

This hilarious video suddenly popped up in youtube channel atheistbork and continues to be there! For now. It raises some interesting questions about king Bhumibol Adulyadej's sexual habits. Is he really a baby raper?

At a time when more and more cases of lese majeste are hitting the news, the latest being that of Suwicha Thakhor, sentenced to TEN years prison for photocopying images of the Thai king, one has to wonder if the king of Thailand will ever be respected again.