This is perhaps the one video Thai authorities least want foreigners to watch. It shows just how cruel Abhisit Vejjajiva's military backed regime can be towards prisoners from other nations.
So what "crimes" did these men commit? One, Conor David Purcell, made a speech in which he criticised the Thai army and the illegitimate regime which it controls. No hate speech, just strong words which were applauded by Red shirts.
The other so-called "terrorist", Jeff Savage, made a stupid comment in a Youtube video in which he said it was his intention to "burn down" king Bhumibol's Centre World shopping centre. Something which is completely impossible for one man with a box of matches to do. Ask any incendiary expert.
Knowing these facts, and the brutal treament these men are being subjected to, one wonders if the illegitimate government of Thailand has ever heard of "human rights". Certainly, British man Jeff Savage was showing clear signs of shell shock at the time he made his threat.
Both Conor Purcell and Jeff Savage were under terrible stress during the Red Shirt protests and subsequent military crackdown, in which army snipers deliberately targeted foreign journalists. They are not criminals. Thai authorities have no right to beat and humiliate these men.
Anuidiot's Blog
martes, 29 de junio de 2010
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010
Daily Skipper Poll
sábado, 19 de junio de 2010
Daily Skipper Poll
domingo, 25 de abril de 2010
Eric Campbell "Long Live the King!"
Recently an ABC documentary called "Long Live the King" caused a serious political rift between the Thai government and Australia. And it's no wonder! Watch this video by pantarman4ever and listen to what Eric Campbell says.
It seems it's not Thailand's "Reds" who are undermining the Thai Crown Prince, Maha Vajiralongkorn, but the Royalists themselves! According to Eric Campbell Thai royalists see little chance of holding on to their power base with the Crown Prince as king.
And it makes sense. Why for example, hasn't Bhumibol Adulyadej named a successor? King Bhumibol's son Prince Vajiralongkorn, is only "the heir apparent" and not "the heir" to the Thai crown. The reality is that no-one really wants this peculiar man and his ex-porn star wife to be king and queen.
Unfortunately, with Thailand's lese majeste law still strictly enforced, an open debate in Thai society on the matter is highly unlikely, even if it tears the country apart as it seems to be doing.
It seems it's not Thailand's "Reds" who are undermining the Thai Crown Prince, Maha Vajiralongkorn, but the Royalists themselves! According to Eric Campbell Thai royalists see little chance of holding on to their power base with the Crown Prince as king.
And it makes sense. Why for example, hasn't Bhumibol Adulyadej named a successor? King Bhumibol's son Prince Vajiralongkorn, is only "the heir apparent" and not "the heir" to the Thai crown. The reality is that no-one really wants this peculiar man and his ex-porn star wife to be king and queen.
Unfortunately, with Thailand's lese majeste law still strictly enforced, an open debate in Thai society on the matter is highly unlikely, even if it tears the country apart as it seems to be doing.
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
Akbar Khan: King of Lese Majeste
Meet Akbar Khan, the DSI's useful idiot who is fast becoming the biggest joke in Thailand. Not content with bringing lese majeste charges against the entire board of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT), Akbar now wants to bring charges against Frank Anderson, editor of the Korat Post.
So what is it with this chi chi snitch? Well, it seems that Akbar has an identity crisis brought on by his "love" of Thailand's ape king: Bhumibol Adulyadej. To the point where this wannabe Thai forgets that he is in fact, of Pakistani origin.
And just to prove that he loves old whiskey breath more than any "other" Thai, Akbar spends his sad little life on Youtube, posting rude messages in defence of the Thai king. Such is his obssession with defending Lek, that he was even sacked from his job at the Phuket Gazette for his lack of productivity.
Ever since then, Akbar has been a man on a mission. His obssession with being rejected by fellow journalists has developed into a huge personal grudge against foreign journalists living in Thailand, whom Akbar believes are all republicans riddled with unpure lese majeste thoughts.
We sincerely hope Akbar gets over his present emotional difficulties. Meanwhile, if you would like to find out more about this effeminate sounding loser, check out this website:
So what is it with this chi chi snitch? Well, it seems that Akbar has an identity crisis brought on by his "love" of Thailand's ape king: Bhumibol Adulyadej. To the point where this wannabe Thai forgets that he is in fact, of Pakistani origin.
And just to prove that he loves old whiskey breath more than any "other" Thai, Akbar spends his sad little life on Youtube, posting rude messages in defence of the Thai king. Such is his obssession with defending Lek, that he was even sacked from his job at the Phuket Gazette for his lack of productivity.
Ever since then, Akbar has been a man on a mission. His obssession with being rejected by fellow journalists has developed into a huge personal grudge against foreign journalists living in Thailand, whom Akbar believes are all republicans riddled with unpure lese majeste thoughts.
We sincerely hope Akbar gets over his present emotional difficulties. Meanwhile, if you would like to find out more about this effeminate sounding loser, check out this website:
domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010
Sex with Condom Man
This video has just turned up in Youtube channel royalpardon4suwicha and it's already raised a few eye-brows! "Condom Man" is on the prawl again, looking for young virgins to rape and infect with AIDS.
So if you're at a party with "Condom Man", be careful with your drink!! "Condom Man" may just poison it and infect you with HIV. Don't say you haven't been warned.... Thank you father Christmas for the warning.
So if you're at a party with "Condom Man", be careful with your drink!! "Condom Man" may just poison it and infect you with HIV. Don't say you haven't been warned.... Thank you father Christmas for the warning.
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010
"Tweet" a Youtube Video in Support of Suwicha!

Exactly one year ago, on January 14th, 2009, Thai man Suwicha Thakhor was arrested and charged under Thailand's Computer Crimes law, for "insulting" the King of Thailand. One year later, Suwicha's application for a royal pardon from the Thai king, has yet to be processed.
This video marking the one year anniversary of Suwicha's arrest, has appeared here sia4playboy with a simple message: If you support Suwicha Thakhor, tweet a Youtube video in support! So start your tweeting! You'll find lot's of videos in Youtube by searching under Suwicha's name.
Let's hope for the sake of Suwicha's family, that we don't have to make this "video tweeting" campaign an annual event. Free Suwicha Thakhor!
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